The Live-in Care Specialists®

Company Statement on COVID-19

company statement covid-19

March 24, 2020

To:   Our Clients, Families and Care Partners

In the emerging and rapidly evolving situation of COVID-19 virus, Innovative Homecare will continue focusing its efforts and aggressively respond to prevent the spread of the disease and avoid the potential of community spread. Our office is physically close, we accept inquiries, concerns, issues through the phone.

According to CDC, the elderly, those over the age of 60 who have underlying chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, lung or heart disease, and asthma seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness and should take special care to avoid contact with others. Our number one priority is the health and safety of your loved one, their families, our staff and care partners, and their families.

As a result of the COVID-19 virus outbreak, Innovative Homecare Solutions, Inc. came up with COVID-19 Action Plan which is comprised of levels to better communications between the client, client’s families and our staff/care partners regarding the prevention of spreading the virus. Innovative Homecare is operating at LEVEL 2.

We also require your cooperation on this, limiting visits from non-essential entities, loved ones, and friends if it is not necessary. We understand that being close to people is what makes life a pleasure, however, this will be only temporary. No question, this is going to be a very difficult time. We encourage using the phone for keeping in touch with your loved ones.

Recently, we have noticed an increase in demand for our services, from clients and from new inquiries due to COVID-19. If you deem you need to increase your services at any time over the following weeks, we will do our best to serve you within 24-48 hours. Should you decide to increase the hours or days, call our office anytime.

The strategies we are intending to implement are more than inconvenient, however, we should be flexible in order to survive.

Innovative COVID-19 Action Plan

Level I

  • Caring for your loved one continues
  • Limit access to non-essential entities, families, and friends if it is not necessary
  • Any Care Partners or families of the client who have traveled outside the US are required to self-quarantine for at least 14 days before they can work or visit respectively with
  • Care Partners who utilize public transportations are required to wear long sleeves, face mask, and gloves
  • Doors, doorknobs, solid surfaces, floors, drawer or closet handles are cleaned and disinfected before and after work of Care
  • Families who must visit are required to practice social distancing and maintain hand hygiene before interacting with their loved one and our Care
  • Care Partners practice CDC recommended hand washing methods before and after each procedure performed on
  • Before Care Partners are deployed for work, they have to complete Innovative COVID-19 Screening Tool
  • Upon the availability of the 45-minute COVID-19 testing, Care Partners are required to undergo the test before going to

Level II

  • All Level I provision in
  • Innovative Homecare office is open virtually and has been deemed an essential health care provider
  • Only Care Partners, essential staff and family if need be are permitted to enter the client’s house
  • For essential needs like supplies, groceries, Care Partner shall order online and have it delivered outside the door
  • Clients are advised to stay at home as recommended by the local government
  • Care Partners are advised not to touch anything and to take off their shoes upon entering the client’s house
  • Care Partners are required to leave a set of working clothes in the client’s house
  • Care Partners are required to throw face mask and gloves in the thrash located at the entrance of client’s house; leave bag, purse, keys, in a box at the entrance; take off outer clothing and put it in another box at the entrance; take a shower, or if not able, wash all exposed areas well: hands, wrists, face, neck, etc.
  • Care Partners are required to clean phone, glasses, a wristwatch with soap and water, or alcohol

Level III

  • All Level II provision in place
  • In the occurrence that a Care Partner, a family member of Care Partner, Client, or family member of the client has been confirmed positive for COVID-19 services will be suspended
  • Innovative will contact the local Department of Health and follow accordingly with their recommendation
  • Family of the client is advised to contact EMT services to bring the client to hospital
  • Care Partners will not be allowed to work until cleared by their primary

We will notify you when this policy changes per CDC policy and local government recommendations.

March 11, 2020

As we go through another week of uncertainty with this COVID-19 Virus, Innovative Homecare Solutions is here to help in any safe and possible way we could. Following our earlier statement, we now would like to touch on the developments and some reminders. We are all in this together and together, WE CAN SURVIVE THIS PANDEMIC! If you need to go out for your important errands,

  • We cannot stress enough to WASH OUR HANDS FREQUENTLY with soap for at least 20 seconds.
  • Use hand sanitizer if there are no available handwashing stations
  •  Drink lots of water, warm, as much as possible.
  • A steaming hot shower or bath when you get home from work.

We would like you to know that our priority stays the same. Innovative Homecare Solutions is committed to you, our clients and the community. We, at Innovative Homecare Solutions, are working around the clock to ensure that we continue to help and service your private home care needs in this briskly changing situation.

Please log on to to keep you updated on the latest updates.

Thank you for sharing your time and stay safe.

March 11, 2020

To our: Our Valued Clients, Referral Partners, and Care Partners

As more Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) cases continue to spread worldwide, and within the U.S., Innovative Homecare is taking the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus within the workplace and the places the caregivers/care partners and CNAs go.

As the company’s initiative to help prevent the widespread of COVID-19, Innovative Homecare Solutions, Inc. is following preventive measures:

  1. Ensure that all employees are taking the necessary precaution and diligently monitor their health condition, as well as their travel history in the last four weeks.
  2. Send symptomatic employees/caregivers/CNAs home until they recover and ready to work with clearance from the health authorities.
  3. Require employees/caregivers/CNAs who are returning from high-risk places to telework during the incubation period.
  4. Disseminate information through articles posted on the company website, newsletters, and flyers, about the virus and the necessary steps to take to avoid it from spreading

Our client’s, employees’, and loved one’s well-being is our utmost priority. We may not be able to stop the virus, but we can certainly limit the pandemic. We assure everyone that preparedness initiatives are in place.

In the meantime, we urge everyone to follow these guidelines recommended by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

  • Stay home when you’re sick. You will help others from catching the sickness.
  • Wash your hands frequently with warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Washing your hands under clean running water can help prevent the spread of germs. If you cannot wash your hands with soap and water, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 65% to 95% alcohol.
  • Cover your mouth with a tissue whenever you sneeze, and discard used tissue in the trash. Use proper cough and sneeze etiquette. Cough and sneeze into your elbow.
  • Avoid crowded places, gatherings, and unnecessary travels to further reduce your risk of being exposed.

As with the widespread virus, it is Innovative Homecare Solutions’ Inc.’s desire to take care and protect all our clients and families, team members and loved ones. We will continue to monitor the COVID19 outbreak closely, follow guidance from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We have already submitted an Information Presentation Request to DuPage Department of Local Health early Monday to conduct a presentation to our staff and caregivers, as well as to our neighboring offices in the building.

Above all, do not panic. We may not be able to stop the virus, but we can certainly limit the pandemic. We assure everyone that preparedness initiatives are in place.

Currently, we have three testing centers here in Illinois where we can send anybody who shows signs and symptoms of the said CORONA Virus which are located in Carbondale, Springfield, and Chicago.

This memorandum shall continuously be reviewed and improved as more information becomes available. Please refer to

Please contact our office with any questions or concerns.

  • If you feel ill and you believe you were in contact with someone that had Coronavirus, then contact the Coronavirus Disease Hotline at 1-800-889-3931.
  • If you feel ill and your symptoms are similar to the seasonal flu, then contact your usual medical provider if you feel you need medical care. Do not go to a hospital emergency room.
  • If you are having a serious medical emergency such as difficulty breathing, call 911 or go to a hospital emergency room.
  • When in doubt, call 911.

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