Research has found a connection between eating eggs and the rising risk factors of heart ailment and death. But do you really need to worry about your egg consumption every day? If we consider what recent studies have found, then there’s a reason to worry. According to studies, if we eat more eggs, we have a higher risk of acquiring heart disease and death.

This finding, as the studies indicate, is due to the cholesterol found in eggs. However, the same result contradicts current thinking about cholesterol in foods.  Cholesterol, according to findings, is not a cause for any concern since eating saturated fat which meat, cheese, and butter also contain, can do more to your cholesterol levels.

Even though people with heart ailments were already warned against egg consumption, it has not been an issue for about 2 decades. Relatively, nutrition guidelines say that healthy eating does not recommend any restrictions on how much cholesterol we should consume.

Facts about Daily Egg Consumption

cooking boiled eggWhen it comes to foods with confusing messages on health, eggs are on top of the discussion. Although they are constantly present in most kitchens and pantries, health and nutrition experts warn against everyday consumption of eggs per day— particularly the egg yolks. They give such a warning because of fear that regularly eating eggs can possibly raise cholesterol. It contributes to a heart ailment, too.

However, recently, both nutritionists and doctors have mellowed with their position on this incredible food. In fact, a lot of people have promoted their abundance. It specifically promoted richness in vitamins, protein, and minerals found in eggs. And presently, a new study seemingly supports the idea of eggs as not hazardous to the heart.

So, the question is: Is eating eggs every day healthy? Peter Schulman, MD, a cardiologist and medicine professor at the University of Connecticut shares an important message about eggs. That, “They do have cholesterol, but it is not necessarily a bad thing.” It’s a fact that eggs have a higher dietary cholesterol level compared to other foods.

Dr. Schulman adds, what really raises our cholesterol is the saturated fat in our diet. It’s not much of the cholesterol foods contain. Aside from the impacts of the consumption of dietary cholesterol on our body, studies also recommend that people eating eggs are not worse than those who don’t. Attempts to connect everyday egg consumption and heart disease have always failed in recent research studies.

5 Good Reasons Why Eggs are Healthy Foods

  1. Eggs as among the most nutritious edibles on earth. These edibles are full of vitamins, good fats, minerals, high-quality protein, and many other nutrients not known to many. According to studies on nutrition and health, a large egg contains Vitamins B12, B2, A, and B5; and Selenium. Eggs also have small amounts of nearly every vitamin and mineral which our body needs. These include potassium, calcium, Vitamin E, and folate, among others
  1. Eggs may enhance your cholesterol profile and do not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that eggs, indeed, can improve our cholesterol profile. They raise the good cholesterol or HDL, not to mention, increase the LDL particle size, which typically lowers the risk of heart disease.
  1. Eggs contain choline, an essential nutrient for the brain. It is a less popular nutrient, frequently grouped with vitamins, specifically the B-complex. Additionally, choline is a vital nutrient for our body. It also plays an essential role in several processes within our body.
  1. Eggs contain Zeaxanthin and Lutein which give protection to the eyes. These two tend to gather in the retina, the eye’s sensory part, where they shield the eyes from the harmful heat of the sun. These antioxidants are significantly reducing the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration, two of the leading causes of vision impairment, as well as blindness among the elderly.
  1. Eating eggs for breakfast contributes to weight loss. Eggs trace only amounts of carbohydrates. However, they contain plenty of fats and proteins. Because of this, it is no longer surprising to see research studies presenting that eating eggs for breakfast may contribute to fat and weight loss.

So, is eating eggs every day good or bad for the heart?scrambled egg

It is a fact that chicken eggs are undeniably high in cholesterol. However, the impact of cholesterol and eggs is not that much in comparison with the impacts of saturated fats and trans fats. The risk of coronary heart disease may be more likely linked to the foods accompanying the eggs. This is in terms of the traditional breakfast in the U.S. which includes sodium in ham, sausages, and bacon, and oils with saturated fats used for fried eggs.

Try talking to health buffs, and they can tell you about their egg consumption. They can eat up to 7 eggs per week without increasing their risk of heart failure. Some researchers have found that this amount of egg consumption may even preempt some types of strokes. This result may answer the question of whether eating eggs every day is good or bad for the heart. However, a different answer goes with diabetes.

More research studies search for proof of the association between eating eggs regularly and developing heart ailment in people with diabetes. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans have recommended eating just 100 to 300 mg of dietary cholesterol each day depending on a person’s caloric level. Additionally, the same guidelines have it that one large egg contains around 186 mg of cholesterol.

Here’s the tip: If you really like eggs, but you certainly don’t want that extra cholesterol, consume only the egg whites. They don’t contain any amount of cholesterol. There are also cholesterol-free egg substitutes you can eat, and these are all made with just white eggs.

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