Medically known as acid dyspepsia, Hyperacidity is one of the common ailments seen in people from cities and metros. Acid Dyspepsia is a combination of two words Acid and Dyspepsia which means disturbance in the digestion process due to acid. It is a medical condition in which there is an excess release of Hydrochloric (HCl) acid in the stomach. In the human body, the stomach muscles are covered with a regenerative lining which prevents the stomach muscles from coming in contact with these acids. But as the acid level increases in the stomach, this protective lining gets eroded faster, resulting in the contact of our stomach muscles with these digestive acids and hence causing a sensation of burning called hyperacidity.

What are the symptoms of Hyperacidity?

symptoms of hyperacidity

  • An increase of sourness and heat in the body.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Indigestion, which produces toxins in the body and Constipation.
  • Thinning of the Mucous layer (Stomach Ulcer).
  • Bacterial and Viral Infection. A bacterium called Helicobacter pylori is also responsible for Hyperacidity.

What are the common causes?

overeating cause hyperacidity

Depending upon the individual’s eating habits, lifestyle, body adaptation, and medications, the causes may vary from individual to individual. Below are some mentioned causes for Hyperacidity:

1. Eating Habits

a) Spicy, oily and fried foods cause the problem of acidity
b) A protein-rich meal like milk or milk products which are harder to digest
c) Citrus fruits, vinegar, and caffeinated drinks

2. Lifestyle Activities

a) Irregular sleeping patterns
b) Over Eating
c) Stress, Anxiety, and Hypertension
d) Pregnancy, fasting, Obesity, Aging

3. Medication

a) Prolonged intake of medicines like antibiotic, oral contraceptives, antidepressants
b) Steroids and Painkillers
c) Thyroid and Blood Pressure Medications

Overcoming Hyperacidity:

regulate eating to prevent hyperacidity

Symptoms can easily give the gesture of Hyperacidity. Further, patients can go to their primary care doctor. The doctor can use the process of historical evaluation to determine the cause of hyperacidity. If it is at an initial stage, the doctor can advise antacids for temporary relief, H2 receptor blockers, and proton pump inhibitors. If it is at a critical stage, detailed endoscopy of the esophagus and stomach can also be advised by the doctor.

Self-Care Tips for Hyperacidity
  • Regulate your eating and sleeping habits
  • Eat properly cooked, less oily food
  • Avoid Overeating and eat at regular intervals
  • Practice Yoga and Meditations to remove stress, anxiety from life
  • Avoid milk or milk products at night as they are hard to digest
  • Reduce smoking and alcohol consumption
Home Remedies
  • Take a glass of cold milk after a meal
  • Take a pinch of baking soda added to a glass of water. It can give immediate relief
  • Bananas are full of potassium and can help reduce acidity symptoms if taken daily

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