Diabetes is growing like epidemics in the United States of America. More than 7% of the population is suffering from diabetes; this is around 6% of the total population. This figure is alarming. Even more alarming is the fact that around 1/3rd of these diabetics are unaware of their medical condition. In this article, we look at the top 9 early signs of diabetes you should pay attention to.

What are the top early signs of diabetes that a person must be aware of?

1. Person Feels Excessively Thirsty

excessively thirsty sign of diabetes

This is a trademark of diabetes. It is generally the first indication of diabetes. Diabetes-related thirst is generally continuous.

2. Person Needs To Make Recurrent Trips To The Rest Room

The excessive urge to urine is another diabetic symptom. Most of us need to urinate only a few times in one day, however, diabetics have this urge recurrently. The reason behind this is that excessive levels of sugar in the bloodstream cause the body to dehydrate.

3. Diabetic Person Has A Dry Mouth

dry mouth signs of diabetes

A common sign of diabetes is dry mouth. The sugar level rises because of diabetes which then affects hygiene. Some common complaints of diabetics are dry mouth, gum disease, cavities, and teeth loss. Unfortunately, oral infection makes the situation even worse as it causes the level of blood sugar to rise further. Diabetes also affects the taste buds and it becomes difficult to feel the taste of sweet things. The person tries to add more sweeteners and as a result, the level of blood sugar rises further.

4. The Vision Becomes Blurry

Blurriness in vision is a sign of diabetes. It is the foremost indication of eye-related problems because of diabetes. An excessive level of sugar in the bloodstream causes the lens of the eye to change its shape as well as its flexibility. This affects the ability to focus and causes the vision to become blurry. Other diabetic related eye problems include cloudy vision, double vision, and in some cases a floating spot in the front of the eye.

5. Cuts And Sores Take A Longer Healing Time

Slow-healing wounds also indicate diabetes. Diabetes makes the body less effective in fighting against different infections.

6. Itching In The Vaginal Area

Vaginal burning and itching is also an early sign of diabetes, it indicates type 2 diabetes. The skin around the vaginal area becomes red as well as sore. Regular yeast infection is another sign of diabetes. The naturally occurring yeast in the vagina is fed by the sugar in the bloodstream.

7. Numbness and Tingling In Hands And Fingers Symptoms Diabetes

numbness of hands signs of diabetes

This is another telltale sign of diabetes. An excessive level of sugar in the bloodstream damages the tiny blood vessels. This leads to many problems; the most common amongst them is numbness and tingling in hands and fingers.

8. The Skin Of Armpit, Neck, And Groin Gets Darker

If the skin color of the neck, armpit, and groin starts to become darker then this one of the signs of diabetes.

9. Inexplicable Gain Or Loss Of Weight

The body compensates for the loss of fluids by encouraging the diabetic person to eat more, this is the reason that diabetic starts to put on more weight. On the other hand, sometimes the diabetic also starts to lose weight because the muscle mass and the tissue mass of the body do not receive adequate glucose.

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