Control Blood Pressure in 5 Different Ways

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Blood pressure is the force at which blood pumps from the heart into the arteries. A normal pressure reading is less than 120/80 mmHg. Is there any possibility to control blood pressure levels without depending on the medicines? Yes, an indispensable part of managing high pressure is a healthy lifestyle. Apart from being important for the prevention of high pressure, it reduces the dependency on medicines. If you are diagnosed with high blood pressure or concerned about the risk factors, remember that high pressure is manageable.

Control Blood Pressure in 5 Different Ways

By adopting the below-given lifestyle changes, you can confidently keep your blood pressure under check.

  • Check Body Mass Index (BMI)

Your Body Mass Index is a measure of your health; as long as you are into the range of 18 – 25, you are fine and you are putting less burden on your heart as your blood pressure is under check. However, if your BMI goes beyond 25 or more, it means you are carrying extra weight and putting added burden or pressure on every part of your body including your heart.

  • Start Physical Activity

exercise to prevent high blood pressure

If you are leading a sedentary life, then you are at high risk of high blood pressure. Ensure at least 20 – 30 minutes of exercise, physical activity, or walking most days of the week. You can notice the difference in your BP levels within a few weeks of physical activity. If you have pre-hypertension, then regular exercise or physical activity can help you avoid developing high pressure. If you have some health concerns, then talk to your doctor before beginning any exercise regimen as you may need some exercise limitations.

Lose Weight

Losing weight is beneficial as you lose weight your blood pressure also reduces. If you carry extra weight around your waistline, it will put you at a greater risk of high pressure. Therefore, in addition to losing weight, you should also watch your waistline and, if you are a man ensure that your waistline measurement is under 36 cm and if woman, then ensures that it is not greater than 32 cm.

  • Prefer Healthier Food Options

food with good cholesterol

What you eat really matters for your pressure and heart’s health. Eating low-fat dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and avoiding a diet rich in fat and cholesterol may help reduce your blood pressure. Avoid eating junk food – the food high in salt, sodium, and fat – if you prefer eating outside and include potassium-rich food like vegetables, fruits, and coconut water. potassium is good for your heart as it lessens the effects of sodium on BP. Limit your sodium intake to about 6 g per day. Packaged foods contain sodium; therefore, in each serving keep a track of sodium you take. And also maintain the amount of sodium you consume each day; this will help you to decide the foods to have or avoid. Avoid salt and use herbs and spices to season the food you make at home.

  • Avoid Alcohol

Though drinking alcohol in moderation is beneficial for health, yet there lies more harm than benefits in alcohol. Drinking too much alcohol in excess of two or more drinks a day for men and more than one drink for women proves potentially harmful. Alcohol raises blood pressure by several points. Alcohol, in addition to increasing the blood pressure also reduces the effectiveness of pressure medications. If you are a heavy drinker, be cautious and stop drinking under the supervision of a health care practitioner only – who will advise you to reduce it gradually.


By following the above heart-healthy lifestyle, you can delay, reduce, or control blood pressure, and improve the effectiveness of blood pressure medications. And, thus by managing your pressure, you can lower the risk of stroke, heart attack, peripheral artery disease, heart failure, and kidney disease. The next steps: start taking action from today onward and make a pledge for a lifetime commitment. If you love yourself and your loved ones, then take action immediately by following the information given in this article. Try to avoid and maintain some good activities to take care of your health in a healthy way.

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