How Vaping Can Harm Your Health: 3 Main Organs to Watch

vaping can harm your health
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So many people seem to be vaping these days. Whether they are just going with the trend, or they think it is a healthier option than cigarette smoking, this should be given attention to. Indeed, this is something you should not take for granted. In fact, you should prioritize discovering how vaping can harm your health. 

While it’s true that e-cigarette or vape helps one quit smoking, and one can do it indoors, impacts on health, risks, and third-party effects should also be considered. According to Live Science, “12 people have reportedly died from vaping-related illnesses, up from 7 deaths reported a couple of weeks ago.” Relatively, many of the fatalities are either teens or young adults.

More so, patients reportedly complained of symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, vomiting, nausea, cough, weight loss, and fever. If you or a loved one has been vaping for quite some time now, it is better to understand further how vaping can harm your health.

How harmful is vaping to a human’s health?

Undoubtedly, there are some risks for vaping regardless of what type of vape you’re using. However, it is undeniable that this is less risky than cigarette smoking. Despite this, it is safest if you avoid both to guarantee good health conditions. It is the best way too, to prevent the possible occurrence of the symptoms mentioned if you haven’t experienced any of them yet.

Even though reports of long-term health effects, specifically in young people have come out, discussions of whether vaping are dangerous or not have increased. Also, research on how vaping can harm your health is ongoing. It may take a while before you fully understand the long-term risks. However, some of the reported effects from the reputable health sources and resources can help you know, at least the vital information about the topic.

What Organs are Likely to Suffer from Vape-Related Illnesses?

vaping can harm your lung's health

There is no specific ingredient or product of vaping that has been linked to illnesses related to it. Similarly, health officials have not even reported a national breakdown of the particular product used by people who vape. One thing is sure, though, and there are organs inside your body that are likely to get affected because of vaping.

  1. Possible Heart Attack – Initial reports show the health effects of vaping, and this includes heart attack. Health experts explain that e-liquid aerosols contain nicotine, oxidizing agents, particulates, and aldehydes. When you inhale them, these aerosols are most likely to affect your heart, as well as your circulatory system. This does not mean though that conventional cigarettes are a far better option because they too are likely to cause heart disease when inhaled.
  2. Vaping can Harm Your Lungs’ Health – Vaping may also have negative impacts on your lungs, although health experts admit there is a need for more research for this. Specifically, a study conducted in 2015 showed the effects of flavored e-juices on both the lung cells in mice and human lung cells. Relatively, the researchers indicated several adverse impacts on cell types, including inflammation, oxidation, and toxicity. Last year, a study assessed 10 people, precisely their lung function who had never smoked cigarettes right after they vaped fluids whether they are with nicotine or none. The result was that vaping both with nicotine or none breaks the normal function of the lungs in otherwise healthy individuals.
  3.  Vaping can Negatively Affect Your Teeth and Gums – Indeed, vaping can negatively impact your oral health, particularly your gums and teeth. Specifically, a 2018 study has it that exposure to e-cigarette aerosol can make your teeth surfaces more inclined to obtaining bacteria. The same study concluded that vaping is likely to increase the danger of cavities. Similarly, vaping is also linked to gum inflammation, a common factor in the progress of periodontal illnesses. Moreover, vapes may trigger throat, mouth, and gum irritation. The same 2018 study came out with a conclusion that there are some pieces of evidence that both the nicotine-free and nicotine electronic cigarettes can damage the oral tissues and cells in people who are not cigarette users.

What’s the Difference Between Vaping and Smoking Cigarettes?

Conventional cigarette smoking can be more harmful than inhaling vape. The long-term impacts of cigarettes are properly, and they entail an increased risk of lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke. 

Vaping, on the other hand, can be a less dangerous option for those who are attempting to quit smoking. Nevertheless, this does not mean there are no risks with vaping at all even if the vape liquid you’re using is nicotine-free. Also, if you are not presently smoking, the vape can still increase your total risk of adverse effects.

When it comes to secondhand exposure, the vape is less toxic than the secondhand exposure to conventional cigarette smoke. Nevertheless, secondhand exposure to vape is still a type of air pollution that possibly leads to health risks. 

What are the Other Things to Know About the Harm of Vaping?


A lot of people nowadays turn to e-cigarettes as their way to ease their transition from your transition from conventional cigarette-smoking to not smoking at all. But, have you ever asked yourself if vaping is better for you than smoking? Can it help you stop smoking? Here is some truth to help you find the right answer:

  • Vaping is Less Harmful than the Traditional Cigarette – Vapes heat flavorings, nicotine, and other chemicals to produce the water vapor that you inhale.
  • Though Less Harmful, Vaping Still Has Negative Effects – Nicotine is the No.1 agent in both e-cigarettes and regular cigarettes. In addition, this particular agent is undeniably highly addictive.
  • Vaping is as Addictive as Regular Cigarette-Smoking – Both conventional cigarettes and vape contain nicotine. And, according to research, it can also be as addictive as cocaine.
  • The E-Cigarette is not the best tool to Have if You Want to Put an End to Smoking – Even though sellers promote vapes as great helpers to your ‘quit-smoking’ journey, they have not gotten the approval of the Food and Drug Administration as cessation devices.
  • Young People are Getting More and More Addicted to Nicotine. – For many youngsters, vaping is more popular today than any conventional tobacco product. A 2015 report has it that the use of e-cigarette among high school students had risen by 900 percent. More so, and 40 percent of young vaping individuals had never tried the traditional cigarette or tobacco.
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