How the Elderly Could Improve Quality of Life

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As in any point in our lives, to live is not enough. We also try and have a good quality of life.

This resonates more for the elderly, who are already in their sunset years.

Their bodies are no longer as strong, their minds no longer as sharp, and recurring illnesses become a fact of life.

Improving an elderly’s quality of life is the best gift we could give them.

Focusing on an aging loved one’s physical health is not enough, though.

Even with a healthy body, they may not have a good quality of life if they feel alone or useless.

The following are ideas how you could help improve the lives of your seniors:

1. Watch out for depression

According to the National Institute of Aging, depression is common with older adults, but it is not a normal part of aging.

Studies show that despite illnesses or physical problems, the elderly are generally satisfied with life.

But certain life changes may cause depression. Death of a spouse or loved one, retirement from work, or even medication may lead to depression.

Prevention is always better than cure. If your loved one suffers from a difficulty to sleep, eat, or enjoy life in general, that may be a sign of depression.

Depression among the elderly could increase the risk of cardiac diseases and other illnesses.

This could further degrade their quality of life.  Consider discussing with your doctor about the steps your elderly loved one should take to avoid depression.

elderly sad

2. Be physically active

Being physically active is always good, more so for older adults.

The World Health Organization recommends 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activities per week. T

his could be done with leisure activities like walking, gardening, dancing, swimming, etc. For example, they may walk for 30 minutes to an hour, every day, for five days.

An increase in physical activity has proven to lead to lower risks of fatal diseases, and a better mood and quality of life.

The amount of physical activity varies from person to person. But, it is important to note that some physical activity is better than none at all.

Encourage grandpa and grandma to sit less and move more!

3. Be mentally active

Our brains age, too, as we age.

But similar with physically activity, mentally activity is important to an elderly’s quality of life.

There are many activities to keep an elderly’s mind active. They could read books or magazines, learn a new skill, volunteer for organizations, or help with chores.

These activities are not only fun, they stimulate the brain and improve other aspects of an elderly’s life as well.

4. Maintain relationships

Seniors who live by themselves may often feel lonely.

Anyone stuck to their homes, unable to see their friends and families, will feel sad—especially our aging loved ones.

Older people tend to be less mobile. They may not be able to drive or travel by themselves anymore.

As such, their loved ones should make the effort to visit them regularly.

Also, encourage them to use available technology to maintain their relationships—not only with family but with their friends as well.

This leads them to a happier and more fulfilled mindset.


Consider hiring a homecare provider

An elderly’s sunset years should be about enjoyment and reminiscing of their lives.

They have already worked and struggled through the years—now’s the time to relax.

This is their time to make the most of life.

You might consider availing the services of a homecare provider for your elderly loved one. Such care providers will take care of everyday tasks like cooking and homemaking.

Keeping the house in order may no longer be possible for the elderly—it may even put them at risk of accidents.

Professional care providers will make sure that chores are taken care of.

Innovative Homecare Solutions, Inc., is one of the leading homecare providers in Illinois. We believe that Aging can be an Awesome experience! We aim to restore dignity and promote independence in the comfort of your own home. To find out more about our services, call us at 630-225-0100.

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