Holidays and Pandemic: Best Gifts for Seniors

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It’s the holidays once again!

Time to deck the halls, sit around the Christmas tree, and give gifts for seniors and kids alike.

But this holiday season is like no other. The threat of COVID-19 still looms and families are unable to gather together without exposing each other to the virus.

Sadly, older adults, who are most vulnerable to COVID-19, will be the loneliest and most isolated.

Seniors are left alone, unable to physically celebrate the holidays with their families.

The COVID-19 Pandemic took so much from us this year.

But as we transition to the “new normal,” we could try to retain the happiness of the holidays, despite the pandemic.

With innovation and a little creativity, we can find ways to celebrate the holidays with our aging family members.

We can reinvent holiday traditions so that our elderly loved ones will feel that we care.

Social distancing is required to control the spread of COVID-19. But we could send meaningful gifts for seniors in our family and community.

We could offer creative ways to connect.

We might not physically celebrate the holidays with them, but we should make them feel that they are with us, in our hearts and minds.

And that, we are all looking forward to the day when we could be together again like before.

You may consider the following as gifts for seniors who have a special place in your heart:

Practical Gifts for Seniors

Meaningful gifts does not have to be showy or expensive.

A simple blanket, sock, or cap could be given as gifts for seniors.

You could give them a copy of their favorite book, or a new book that they might like.

To help them take a night off from the kitchen you could give them vouchers to their favorite restaurants.

Think of things that your elderly loved one could use on an every day basis. That might be the best gift for them.

kid giving gifts for seniors

Sentimental gifts

If anyone loves reminiscing, it’s grandpa and grandma!

For this holiday, you could give them custom-made mementos like scrapbooks, photo phone case, or personalized mugs that will make them remember special memories.

You could also ask friends and family to send your love to your elderly loved ones by filling an album with short and sweet notes.

Isolated and lonely, they are in need of uplifting messages. 

Gifts for seniors entertainment

Since our elderly loved ones will be stuck on their homes this coming holidays, consider sending them items to keep them occupied.

Books, crossword puzzles, or even video game consoles could keep their minds active and prevent boredom.

How about sending them a video streaming subscription? You could talk with them about the shows and films they’re watching.

Or, if they’re active, you could send them gardening tools to start that long dreamed of hobby.

There are many DIY crafts that you could give as gifts for seniors in your family.

The options are limitless.

Virtual events as gifts

We traditionally spend time with our families during the holidays.

But because in-person celebrations are discouraged, if not totally banned in some areas, virtual options came up for the activities we enjoy. You could consider these as gifts for seniors in your family.

Say, grandpa is a wine enthusiast, you could book them a private virtual tasting with vineyards.

If grandma is a fan of standup comedy, you could book them tickets for an online comedy show.

And as exercise is always a good idea, you could sign them up for an online fitness program tailored for the elderly.

Just because lockdowns are in place, doesn’t mean our elderly loved ones will be stuck at home doing nothing.

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Gift of a new holiday tradition

As much as we want to be together for the holidays, local regulations may prevent us from travelling.

Or we may have family members who have preexisting health conditions, especially seniors.

But the holiday tradition need not die.

You could reinvent your family’s holiday traditions, that way, people could still join them virtually.

You can send special ornaments or sachets of balsam pine needles to remind them of the smell of a Christmas tree.

You could still decorate your house with garlands, strings of lights, and electric candle—even though no one’s coming physically, you could show it to your family during video conferences.

To feel included is one of the best gifts for seniors for this year.

New normal, new holidays

We’ve been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic for almost a year now.

We have, more or less, learned to accept and adapt with the situation.

It will help to acknowledge that this year the way we celebrate the holidays will be markedly different.

You could be sad and grieve that you won’t be able to see all your loved ones—especially your older loved ones. But like all things, learn when to go over it.

Free yourself from expectations, from misplaced hopes that this year’s holidays will push through like before.

Remind yourself of the reason we celebrate the holidays. It’s not about where we are; it’s about who we love, and how we show them our love.  

Innovative Homecare Solutions, Inc., is one of the leading home care providers in Illinois. We believe that Aging can be an Awesome experience! We aim to restore dignity and promote independence in the comfort of your own home. To find out more about our services, call us at (630) 225-0100.

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