Keeping your sanity during the pandemic

6 ways to take care of your mental health during Covid When the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spread across the United States in early 2020, older adults struggled more negative consequences, including more serious complications, higher mortality, concerns about disruptions to their daily routines and access to care, difficulty adapting to new technologies like tele- […]

How Do Vaccines Work?

    It is impossible to avoid germs because they are all around us, both on the outside and inside. Disease and death can occur when a person who is vulnerable comes into contact with a hazardous organism.    Many ways for the body to protect itself from infections are available (disease-causing organisms). In order to […]

Covid-19 and Seniors: How to Stay Safe During the Pandemic

Elderly couple staying safe from Covid-19.

Covid-19 continues to spread throughout the world. Most people affected will only develop mild symptoms, but some will require hospitalization, and others may even die. Sadly, experts have yet to develop a cure and/or a vaccine. Thus, it is important to practice precaution against the disease, especially for older adults. According to the Centers for […]